Yandere Dates Launch!

The first game I've ever released (sniff)!

On the 21st of Oct, I, alongside Trubluis, released "Yandere Dates", a short, free, light-hearted visual novel about dating a yandere (i.e. an extremely possessive partner). This is the first game I've ever helped produce, and I am super happy with the end product. 

It was made in 72 hours for South Africa's 2024 game jam. For my first time producing a visual novel type game, this was intense. We had a weekend and a Monday to create the concept and script, code it, draw the characters and backgrounds, then put it all together with the brilliant music supplied by the excellent yaebafang The fast-paced game dev experience was a fever dream. If I had to use a metaphor, it was like entering an Iron Man marathon with no prior running experience - then learning that you must run the race naked covered in honey with a horde of wasps set after you. Basically, it was way more than I was expecting. 

Read the experience below this cute sprite of your new sweetheart in Yandere Dates... 


Friday, 6pm: The theme was released. We picked our yandere dating idea (after talks of other very interesting ideas...).

Saturday, 3Pm: I begin writing the story of the game. I was only able to start at this time due to family constraints keeping me busy, DARN YOU FATHER! Trubluis was also shackled by family. Looking back now, this was a massive delay in our development process. No wonder things ended up getting so crunchy. By the end of Saturday, I had only written the Intro and lead up to the first date.  

Sunday, 12Pm: Trubluis and I woke up earlier then we ever knew. From the crack of noon, we wrote the story. Trubluis handled the 2nd date and all the alternate and bad endings, while I handled the 1st and 3rd dates and the true ending. We ate dinner, and ONLY THEN did the drawing process begin. By this I mean we started DESIGINING the characters. Trubluis really carried us here. She created the Sister and Jan Deray final designs (I am happy to say I provided the initial design for the sister), and handled the final designs for EVERY background (though again I am happy to say I provided the initial designs for the Bedroom, Campus and Jan's room). Not only this, but Trubluis handled every aspect of the coding, menu design and choice on her own. I said that for me, it was like running from wasps. For her it must have been like running from bears. On Monday, we did some playtesting and added the music. 

And that's how a cake is made (shut up the metaphor makes sense and isn't forced). 

Thank you:

- To Trubluis, for carrying us with the drawing, coding and writing assistance. 

- To yaebafang, who was asked on SUNDAY for music, for helping give the project actual atmosphere and vibe! 


Here's the initial design for the Sister. From the get go, I envisioned her as being an absolute fireball of pride and joy. Trubluis really breathed life into her with her incredible line work and facial expressions.


Yandere Dates (update 1.2) - Mac 57 MB
Oct 28, 2024
Yandere Dates (update 1.2) - Windows + Linux 63 MB
Oct 28, 2024

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